Johor Road Boon Kee Pork Porridge

After all these years of having pork porridge around, I'm still swearing that Johor Road Boon Kee Pork Porridge has the best Pork Porridge in Singapore. 

Stall of Johor Road Boon Kee Pork Porridge 

I like the consistency of the porridge texture with a mixture of pork in the porridge. The pieces of fried fritter, use of spring onions, Dong Cai and fried shallots add on aroma to the bowl. 

Pork Porridge with Egg - $4.50

Topping up my bowl of Porridge for another $0.50.

Add On Egg 

Time passes but the bowl of stomach-comforting porridge still tastes as good as before. The minced meat ball still pack with unique flavours that you will not find in another porridge stall. 


While we were early but was not the earliest, we waited about 15 minutes for the order. I will be back again for my favourite again!

Rating: 4 / 5

Johor Road Boon Kee Pork Porridge
Location: 638 Veerasamy Rd, Singapore 200638

Johor Road Boon Kee Pork Porridge