Ding Ji

With a handful of branches around in Singapore, I guess Ding Ji Teochew Noodle is no stranger to anyone. 

Ding Ji Teochew Noodle

The Signature noodle ingredients were different, there were Ngoh Hiong, braised mushrooms, half a lava egg and fried bite. 

Signature Noodle - $5.30

Their Soup is delicious with robust pork stock and had distinct flavours of dried sole fish. Noodles were cooked to the correct texture, thin and springy.

Signature Noodle with Mee Pok

The Mushroom Minced Meat Noodle is their best seller. We had Mee Kia with Chilli as well as Tomato Ketchup. The braised mushrooms was thick and juicy packed with a strong braised flavours. Ingredients were lean meat, meatball and minced meat.

Mushroom Minced Meat Noodle - $4.50

Its one of the reliable chained Teochew Noodle stall. Its a simple dish yet satisfying to our tummy. 

Rating: 3.25 / 5

Ding Ji Teochew Noodle
 345 Clementi Ave 5, Singapore 120345

Ding Ji