How Yu Restaurant 好友 XO 鱼头米粉汤

With friends suggesting having a Cze Char Meal in Teban Gardens, here we are!

How Yu Restaurant 

Enjoying the deep-fried slices of tender pork in combination with the unique flavours of fermented beancurd. Good for sharing but meat was on a dry side.

Fried Pork Preserved Beancurd 南乳炸肉 - $10

Next, we had stir-fried French Bean with Minced Meat. The French bean was deep-fried and looked pretty oily. Nonetheless, pairing up with the minced meat in sweet gravy made it tasty.

Stir Fried French Bean with Minced Meat 揉碎四季豆苗 - $8 

A bowl of Fish Meat Been Hoon with chunks of fish and vegetables without the taste of XO. Looking at the price paid, it's quite decent.

XO Fish Meat Bee Hoon XO 鱼肉米粉 - $5

We had the smallest portion of creamy salted egg yolk sauce over the big prawns. Savoury and yummy.

Salted Egg Prawns 

Deep-fried chunks of chicken coupled with some unpeeled deep-fried garlic cloves and cabbage made up the dish. It's a tad spicy and we found that the taste was on a dry side.

Spicy Garlic Chicken 蒜香鸡 - $12

The popular dish from JB (Johor Bahru) that is getting more common in Singapore is Char Stalls. The distinctive look of the flattened Bee Hoon offers a harmonious blend of textures and tastes that will tantalize your taste buds. Accompany the Bee Hoon will be vegetables, and prawns, sliced pork and egg.

JB San Lou Bee Hoon 柔佛三楼米粉 - $5

No doubt the price was relatively cheaper than most of the Cze Char Stall, we find that the standard and quality of food is moderate.

Rating: 3 / 5 

How Yu Restaurant 好友XO鱼头米粉汤
39 Teban Gardens Singapore 600039

How Yu Restaurant 好友 XO 鱼头米粉汤